Safety Bulletin

- The Producer shall notify a nearby medical facility, one day prior to use, that a live venomous reptile is to be used in close proximity to personnel, and insure that proper anti-venom is available.
- Only personnel essential to the scene will be allowed within a fifty foot (50′) perimeter of the reptile.
- A representative of the American Humane Association shall be notified of the use of the venomous reptile.
- The snake handler in charge must have a “Prohibited Species Permit” from the State of California Wildlife Protection Department, to be shown if necessary.
- Proper protection (i.e., barriers, gloves, adequate leg guards) for cast and crew who have to work closely with the reptile shall be provided.
- A stand-by vehicle with driver shall be available to transport in case of an accident while the reptile is out of its cage.
Note: A snake should be milked the same day to remove most of the venom. Carbon Dioxide (CO2) bottles should be on hand. The snake handler should have a snake pincer.