ATL Prep (F1)

During the pre-production week, each group will meet with a faculty committee to review the shooting plans for each of the group’s five shows. The goal of the preps is to assist students in the practical execution of their film, making sure that creative, technical, and safety concerns prior to the start of production.

Prior to the prep

Each ATL crewmember on a show is required to prepare materials to present to the faculty committee:

  1. The Director sends a PDF of the screenplay to Erika and Jed, before noon on the day prior to your prep. 
  2. The Director, in collaboration with their Producer and Director of Photography, creates a setup schedule and prepares copies for each faculty member at the prep.
  3. The Director creates visuals for their presentation, which should include: examples to show tone and key moments; headshots and casting considerations; and examples of key production design, such as the looks of settings, characters, and important props. (You may use the Pecha Kucha presentation from the Professional Communication Course as a basis for this.)
  4. The Director of Photography, in collaboration with the Director, creates visuals for their presentation, which should include examples of the lighting ideas and use of camera (depth of focus, camera handling, use of ISO and Color Temperature settings).
  5. Optional: The Director, in collaboration with their Producer and Director of Photography, creates storyboards or shot schematics and prepares them so that they can be viewed in the prep room. 

At the prep

The projects will present in the order of production within the group. All members of the group must be present for all projects, regardless of their position on the project. Each show will present in the following order:

  1. The Director presents on the story, casting, and production design of the film, using a visual presentation on the monitor in the classroom. (7 minutes)
  2. The Director of Photography presents on the look of the film, using a visual presentation on the monitor in the classroom.  (4 minutes)
  3. The Producer speaks about the schedule, locations, actors, or other challenges, accomplishments, or concerns. (4 minutes)
  4. The faculty committee asks questions concerning any of the presentations. (5 minutes)
  5. The Director presents the plans for coverage by way of a shot list or storyboards. The committee and the rest of the group are invited to ask questions and make suggestions during this presentation, but are asked to do so only when it will be of value to all present, as there is not much time. (10 minutes)

The Producer of each project will be responsible for keeping notes of all concerns expressed by the faculty and must email all members of the committee an Action Plan for any concerns expressed in the prep. The Action Plan will consist of a list of the concerns, with each followed by a description of how each concern will be addressed. All Action Plans must be submitted to the faculty committee by 5:00pm on the day following the prep.