Crew Responsibilities

Based on the structure of the check-out/check-in responsibility hierarchy, a significant part of the job as a department head is keeping tabs on who is using the equipment from their equipment manifest. Department heads should also make it clear to the students and volunteers working under them that they are required to report any loss, damage, or malfunction of equipment immediately. Keeping abreast of the state of the gear during the course of production and providing open channels of communication to the rest of the crew will insure the conscientious use of the equipment and reduce the amount of damage and subsequent monetary assessments.

A specified student position or student team (listed below) from each department is required to sign the Check-out/Check-in Equipment Manifest for their equipment package and is fiscally responsible for said equipment. By signing this Check-out/Check-in Equipment Manifest, the student agrees to all policies pertaining to the use of College equipment.

Each day at wrap, the department head/team marks down on the manifest any missing or damaged equipment, in addition to notifying the 1st AD and Producer of the same.

Lighting Package

As department head, the Gaffer shall be responsible for all equipment listed on the Lighting Check-out/Check-in Manifest. If there is no generator truck on the production, the Gaffer will also be responsible for the electrical equipment. If the Gaffer cannot determine who was responsible for any loss or damage, or the Gaffer did not report the loss or damage, it will be the full responsibility of the Gaffer. It is always the responsibility of the Gaffer, as department head, to immediately notify the 1st AD and Producer of any loss or damage, so that it can be documented on the Daily Production Report (DPR).

Camera Package

The 1st AC & 2nd AC shall be equally responsible for the equipment listed on the Camera Check-out/Check-in Manifest. If the AC team cannot determine who was responsible for any loss or damage, or did not report the loss or damage, they will be equally responsible. It is always the responsibility of the 1st AC, as department head, to immediately notify the 1st AD and Producer of any loss or damage, so that it can be documented on the Daily Production Report (DPR).

Grip Package

As the department head, the Key Grip is ultimately responsible for all the grip equipment (including camera dollies) on the Check-out/Check-in Manifest. If the Key Grip cannot determine who was responsible for any loss or damage, or did not report the loss or damage, it will be the full responsibility of the Key Grip. It is always the responsibility of the Key Grip, as department head, to immediately notify the 1st AD and Producer of any loss or damage, so that it can be documented on the Daily Production Report (DPR).

Electric Package

On productions involving the generator truck, the electric equipment shall be the responsibility of the Best Boy Electric. If the Best Boy Electric cannot determine who was responsible for any loss or damage, or did not report the loss or damage, it will be the full responsibility of the Best Boy Electric. It is the Best Boy Electric’s responsibility to immediately notify the 1st AD and Producer of any loss or damage, so that it can be documented on the Daily Production Report (DPR).

Sound Package

The Sound Mixer & Boom Operator shall be equally responsible for all equipment listed on the Sound Check-out/Check-in Manifest. If the sound team cannot determine who was responsible for any loss or damage, or did not report the loss or damage, it will be the full and equal responsibility of the sound team. It is always the responsibility of the Sound Mixer, as department head, to immediately notify the 1st AD and Producer of any loss or damage, so that it can be documented on the Daily Production Report (DPR).

Script Supervisor/Video Assist Package

As the on-set department head for the editorial department, the Script Supervisor shall be responsible for all equipment listed on the Script Supervisor/Video Assist Check-out/Check-in Manifest. If the Script Supervisor cannot determine who was responsible for any loss or damage, or did not report the loss or damage, it will be the full and equal responsibility of the sound team. It is always the responsibility of the Script Supervisor, as department head, to immediately notify the 1st AD and Producer of any loss or damage, so that it can be documented on the Daily Production Report (DPR).

Assistant Director Package

The 2nd AD is responsible for all equipment listed on the Assistant Director Check-out/Check-in Manifest. If the faculty did not assign a student to the 2nd AD position, the duties of the 2nd AD fall to the 1st AD. If the 2nd AD cannot determine who was responsible for any loss or damage, or did not report the loss or damage, it will be the full and equal responsibility of the sound team. It is always the responsibility of the 2nd AD to immediately notify the 1st AD and Producer of any loss or damage, so that it can be documented on the Daily Production Report (DPR).