Distant Location Request

Production Paperwork


BFA and MFA thesis films may request permission to shoot at a distant location outside of the studio zone. Please note however that — due to the added complexity of shooting films at distant locations, the added wear-and-tear on school equipment, and the added stress placed on the crew — shooting at a distant location is not approved automatically. It’s a privilege that needs to be earned.

The Producer will need to present a thorough plan to the Head of Production (Tony) that addresses the following:

  1. A description of the distant location.
  2. Why this location is essential to the success of the film.
  3. The schedule of travel days and drive times during the production week.
  4. A budget/plan for transporting, housing, and feeding the cast and crew for the duration of the distant shoot.
  5. A budget/plan for transporting, housing, and feeding a faculty member for the duration of the distant shoot.
  6. A plan for transporting, parking, and securing school vehicles and equipment during the distant shoot.
  7. A back-up plan if the camera or other essential equipment goes down.
  8. A schedule showing key deadlines for locking locations, securing accommodations, and any other critical plans. Permission for shooting at a distant location will be revoked if these deadlines are not hit, and the production will need to shoot locally.
  9. A local back-up plan, in case permission is not granted and/or the distant location falls through.

The request to shoot at a distant location should be made to the Head of Production as early as possible in the development/pre-production process, and no later than two weeks before the first day of production on the show. The Head of Production’s decision on whether to approve or deny a distant location request is final.