Documentary Equipment

Each documentary group will be issued a standard equipment package, consisting of a Panasonic EVA1 camera package, a Canon 70D camera package, a sound recording package, a lighting package, a grip package, and expendables.

A-Camera: Panasonic EVA1

The following procedures for the Panasonic EVA1 must be followed:

  • The EVA1 must be used as the A-camera for all photography
  • All interviews must be shot with the EVA1
  • Standard capture settings for the EVA1 must be 2K at 100mbps
  • Slow-motion photography on the EVA1 must be discussed in advance with the cinematography instructor

An equipment checkout for each documentary group will be scheduled during the week prior to production commencing. The full equipment package can be viewed here: Sample Manifest (Draft). No special equipment or alternate options are provided for documentary projects.

Camera media cards and storage drives will be issued to each show at the final greenlight meeting.

B-Camera: Canon 70D

If a group or individual would like to use a 2-camera setup for interviews, a Canon 70D camera and tripod is available for check-out to each group. This is the preferred camera to be used for this purpose.