EVA1 Module 1: Package Contents

Keith reviews the contents of the basic EVA1 package, which includes the camera, tripod system, battery charger, and sound case.


Okay, this module is about what you’re gonna get when you receive this package.

We have four parts here that we’re sending out, considered the camera and sound package:

  • You have the case (the camera case).
  • You have the tripod case.
  • You have the battery charger case.
  • And you have the sound case.

Battery charger

The battery charger case is the smaller of the cases. Looks like that.

Alright, let’s lay out its parts. I’ll put it up here. Three batteries. You have the charger module itself. You have the AC to DC transformer — basically the power supply for the charger module. And you have the power cable that goes to the wall and into your AC adapter.

This is your battery package. Let’s see that’s all there is. Alright, let’s put it back. Got three batteries: one, two, three. You’ve got the battery charger module itself; that’s there. You got the AC supply. And you have the power cable.

That’s box number one. Again, it’s the smallest of the three boxes.

Sound case

Moving up to the next biggest size, this is the sound box. Go ahead and open this up. This guy — I’m not gonna show you the case because it’s a little too big — but this is the sound kit.

You have a handy-dandy handbook designed by Chuck Allen. This is a really good handbook. It lays out all the settings that you need to have for the EVA camera when it comes to sound.

Inside the case, the hardware. You have a soft box. The soft box has the microphone, the lav mic — actually this soft box contains all the lav mic materials or the hardware. You have the mic itself. You have the XLR to mini-XLR cable. You have the receiver — and this receiver actually has the shoe on it that will attach it to the camera — so you got the receiver with the shoe. And you have the transmitter that transmits the audio signal. So this is all your lav mic stuff in the soft case.

Then we have your headphones. Headphones with headphones bag. Put that here.

Then we have this hard case — black hard case (you got a soft and a hard). This is a shotgun mic.

And then everything else are cables. Now, you have two 90-degree cables. The reason why they are called 90-degree XLR cables is because they have a 90-degree and a straight edge. So you got two of those.

You have, um… This is the the cable that, if you want to use with the headphones while you’re monitoring the boom mic, you can plug the headphones into here. So that’s that cable; I don’t know the exact name of that cable. You know me and sound.

And the rest are XLRs. I believe there is — and of course this is a good example of what not to do — so when you pack back up, please make it look more like this and less like this. This looks like a longer, 100-foot XLR. This looks like a 50-foot XLR. So, you got two additional XLRs.

And that’s your sound: shotgun mics, headphones, rest of the cables, and the 90-degree.

A-ha! I knew there was one more thing in here. (Let’s put the soft cotton box back, the lav case.) This is a little stereo mic adapter. I guess goes from a stereo mini to some other connection. Again, I don’t know much about sound, but what I do know is that if you have the smaller mini connector, you can attach it into here and it’ll go into there like that so you can monitor here. So, this is a little adapter. There’s also one I discovered in the camera case, but I’m gonna keep this one in here so you got two of those.

And that’s your sound case. Great, moving on…

Camera case

The biggest case of the bunch is our camera case. Take a look at this.

Alright, first up, you have the camera itself. This is the EVA1 by Panasonic. This is the body of the camera. I’ll put that out there, so that we can see it nicely; make sure it doesn’t fall off, that would be bad.

You have the rigging implements: Handheld rig grip. You have the shoulder brace. You have the LCD. This is an aftermarket, third-party LCD by SmallHD. You have that LCD; it also came with a sunscreen, so you got those two items. And Panasonic also makes their own LCD; it’s got a very different connection on it. This is a good thing to have because if you accidentally go into log, which I did do when I was working with the camera, there’s no way to get to the menus without this. So, this is a pretty critical piece of gear; you can’t get to it through the SmallHD, as far as I know.

And finally we have the — actually that’s not true as there’s two more boxes — this is a filter case. It’s got the polar in it (circular polar) and it has an ND8 — which I’m not real sure what that is, but it does seem like it knocks it down quite a bit, so you’ve got some ND filtration in addition to the ND filtration in the camera.

And then we’ve got this black box which has got all the little accoutrements for your LCD and it also has a card reader. Let’s just go through the contents: The first thing you have is a short BNC. This goes from your SDI-out on your camera to your SDI-in on your LCD, so you got the LCD. Front and back lens cap. (Tell you what, let me put these away real quick: Sun screen, LCD, Panasonic LCD, shoulder brace, grip, filters.) Let’s go through the contents of this black box you can see it better: short BNC; the front and back plates for the lens; a handy-dandy flat-head screwdriver to put the quick-release on to your camera; articulating arm; power supply for your SmallHD LCD monitor (ER has informed me that these are very delicate, these cables, so please be careful. I know that they’re difficult to get into the battery and I’ll show you that process in the next module, but here is the power supply for the LCD); you have your card reader and you have the card reader USB-C cable, and that will read your cards; and then, like I told you, there’s an additional one of these (adapters) inside the camera case, inside this black box.

Alright so let’s put all this stuff back.

There, and hopefully I’ll have enough time to make a picture of these and label them. If not, I would suggest when you open the box go ahead and take a picture with your phone so you know exactly how it goes back in the box, because I just don’t know if there’s going to be enough time to create that.

That is your camera case.