F1 Casting Timeline

No later than 4 weeks out

Search the database and view audition videos (week 8).

Search the FSU database (Go to Motion, click on People, then Actors). Use search criteria to get a list of possible actors.

What should you be looking for in an audition or video?

  • The life behind the eyes.
  • That they understand the scene and relationship
  • That they make strong choices.
  • That they have personality and distinctiveness
  • That they make connections with the other actor (reader) and look at them.
  • That they did their homework and are prepared.
  • That they seem like a person you would want to go camping with.

No later than 3 weeks out

Hold first round of auditions (week 9).

Actors should be contacted by email (see sample email) and sent a copy of the script along with the role you would like them to read for. Five-to-seven actors per role. You should then follow-up with a phone call to make a personal connection and make sure there is no confusion about your expectations. Let them know what pages of the script you would like them to prepare for the audition. Sometimes this step can be skipped completely depending on the quality of the videos.

No later than 2 weeks out

Callbacks and final casting decisions (week 10).

No more than three actors per role unless you are still not happy after viewing those three. See above for email and phone protocols. Match them up. Look for chemistry. Make a decision quickly and get commitments from your actors. Find out their schedules so you can plan rehearsal time. Auditions must be at the Film School with a minimum of two people present. Audition cameras may be checked out with Tony.

After you have commitments from your actors, you may send out regret emails to those who auditioned that you will not use. (See sample regret email in the course library on Blackboard).

1 week out

Rehearsals (week 11).

Plan on two hours with your main characters. These rehearsals should involve a table read, an improvisation to build relationships, and some organic blocking. Do not ask for film-worthy performances!