Honors Prospectus

Prospectus content

The Prospectus serves as a proposal for the project, giving the faculty committee background information about the work, outlining the research/creative methods, the major milestones, and the expectations for the project’s outcome. The Faculty Director will help guide the student in the drafting of the prospectus.

A strong prospectus typically includes the following elements:

Project Description

Describe the project’s nature and purpose, the issues it will address, and its significance to the field. Including a critical review of related work in the field, to provide background information and to demonstrate the need for the project is also recommended. 

Research Methods/Creative Activities

Describe the research methods and/or creative activities that will be undertaken, along with an explanation of why your approach is appropriate for the project. The proposal should be clearly understandable by those not in your field, so jargon should be avoided.

Schedule of Project Activities

Provide a timeline indicating the amount of progress anticipated over the course of the year, including the completion dates for major milestones along the way. At minimum, include mid-semester and end-of-semester milestones for summer, fall, and spring. 


Include a short bibliography and/or filmography for texts you have reviewed, or intend to review, as part of your research for the project.

Prospectus Timeline

  • Students should plan to meet with their Faculty Director no later than Week 6 of the BFA2 Spring semester to begin work on the prospectus.
  • By April 1st, students must send a draft of the prospectus to their full committee, to receive notes and feedback.
  • By April 15th, students must turn in a hard copy of their prospectus, with a signed copy of the Prospectus Approval Form, to the Honors Program and the College’s Honors Liaison.