In-Field Equipment Transfer

Due to the constant productions at the College, students will sometimes be required to hand off the truck and its contents from one show to another without going through the ER as an intermediary, thereby sharing the use and responsibility of the gear equally across productions. This is the most misunderstood yet most important aspect of the check-out/check-in process. It is crucial to understand the ramifications.

Each equipment package (grip, lighting, camera, etc.) has a check-out department head/team and a check-in department head/team. In the field, the check-out department head/team hands over the Equipment Check-out Manifest to the next show’s department head/team responsible for the equipment. Each of these department heads/teams signs the equipment manifest. The second show’s students use the gear on the assigned production, use it responsibly, maintain its order, and ensure it is returned safely to the truck.


The check-out head/team signs the manifest at check-out. This signature is an acknowledgement that the check-out head/team has thoroughly checked through every piece of gear on the manifest and verifies that it is in working order. If there was equipment missing from the manifest it should be either replaced or noted on the manifest itself. Once this manifest is agreed upon by the ER and the department head/team, and is signed by the department head, all the equipment becomes the responsibility of the department head/team that signed it.

In-Field Transfer

When the check-out head/team is finished with the production, s/he gives the truck, equipment, and its contents, along with the manifest, over to the check-in department head/team. This is done in the field and not under the supervision of the ER. At this point, the check-in department head/team becomes partners with the check-out department head/team. It is at this time that equipment damage should be communicated from the first show to the second show. If there was any missing or damaged equipment on the first show, the check-out department head/team must communicate this damage to the check in department head/team by noting it on the equipment manifest.

Failure to complete this crucial step will not release any students from fiscal responsibility for lost or damaged equipment.


After the second show, during equipment check-in, the check-in head/team signs the manifest. This signature is an acknowledgement that the check-in person has thoroughly checked through every piece of gear on the manifest and verifies that if there is missing/damaged gear it has been noted on the manifest and the responsible parties have been noted. Once signed, the check-in person agrees with the ER regarding the accuracy of the equipment count and the state of the gear.


If there is a dispute about which production had the missing/damaged equipment, then both department heads/teams will be assessed and will split the cost of repair or replacement. The deliberation of any grievances related to responsibility of loss or damage, or any arbitration of the policy governed herein, will lie solely with the Associate Dean. Any grievance must follow the chain of command prior to being brought to the desk of the Associate Dean.

Chain of Command:

  • Level 1 – Equipment Room Personnel
  • Level 2 – Equipment Room Manager
  • Level 3 – Head of Production
  • Final Word – Associate Dean

Any grievances regarding equipment or policies must be submitted in writing within five business days after the incident or notification of the incident.