Location Damage

Our students shoot at hundreds of different locations each year. We are reliant on the good will of the local community to be able to do what we do, so each crew member needs to make every effort to protect locations from damage. Failure to do so may result in disciplinary action.

If damage occurs

If a crew member does cause damage to a location, that crew member should immediately notify the Producer. The Producer should notify the location owner (or authorized agent) and the Head of Production, and then take whatever steps are necessary to repair the damage as quickly as possible and to the owner’s satisfaction.

If an individual crew member is responsible for causing the damage, that crew member is solely responsible for paying for the cost of the repairs. If multiple crew members are responsible for causing the damage, each crew member must pay an equal portion of all repair costs. If it cannot be determined who caused the damage, the Producer and the Director must pay an equal portion of all repair costs.