Location shoots are defined as any productions shot away from the immediate facilities of the College, located in University Center A.
The College relies heavily on the generosity of location owners to support our productions, so it is the responsibility of students to be good ambassadors for the College and leave location owners with a positive impression of the production.
Please note that it is not a requirement, necessity, or right for students to shoot on location. The College reserves the right to deny location shooting privileges to any production for any reason, be it safety, distance, community relations, storytelling concerns, or other factors.
Producer Responsibility
The Producer is responsible for communicating with the location owner or authorized agent all pertinent information concerning the production. Initially, this should include the schedule, the use of potentially hazardous conditions (e.g., weapons, animals, open flames, smoking, etc.), and potentially objectionable content (e.g., violence, profanity, sexual situations, drug use, etc.).
The Producer is responsible for getting a signed Location Agreement and Location Shooting Plan from each location where the company will be staged and/or filming. The location owner or authorized agent must sign these agreements prior to the start of any work at the location.
The Producer is required to complete and submit a Location Hazard Assessment checklist for each filming location prior to Production Prep. If any location hazards have been identified, then the Producer should complete a Hazard Notification Report to provide more information about the hazard and what corrective action will be taken.
The Producer should also do a walk-through of the location with the location owner or authorized agent after the company has wrapped from the location in order to make sure the location has been returned to a satisfactory condition.