Pick-Up Photography


Pick-up photography is defined as any photography taken after completion of principal photography in order to enhance the narrative.

On the BTH and MTH cycles, students may make a request to the Head of Production for pick-up photography to improve moments in the film that were not captured successfully during principal photography. Pick-up requests may not be made for additional moments that were not part of the original shooting plan.

No show will be approved for more than six hours of pick-up photography. And all pick-up photography will need to be completed and cut into the edit before picture lock. In some cases, this may mean that the turnaround time for pick-up photography is tight, so students will need to be diligent and proactive if they want to put in a request.

Pick-up photography is a privilege to be earned. Since pick-up photography involves time and resources, requests will not be approved automatically. Approvals will be granted only if the time and resources are available and if students make a compelling case for the value of the pick-ups to the film (including proof that the problem cannot be adequately solved with careful editing choices).

Pick-up request procedure

Students will need to complete a Additional Photography Request form, in which they must provide the following details:

  • the exact nature of the subject matter to be shot;
  • the reason why it was not shot with the first unit crew during principal photography;
  • the date, times, and location of the proposed shoot;
  • the crew required for the proposed shoot, including names and signatures (you’ll need to determine how many crew members you need and you’ll need to recruit them);
  • notes on any special equipment requests;
  • notes on any budget plans;
  • any other supporting documentation.

For MFA Thesis, all requests must be submitted to the Head of Production no later than the end of the spring semester. For BFA Thesis, all requests must be submitted to the Head of Production no later than the day of the first cut screening.

The Head of Production’s decision on whether to approve or deny a pick-up photography request is final.