Producer Responsibilities (D1)


  • Create a Slack channel for the production (e.g. #01d1-2023-allcrew) and invite all crew members.
    • Post the latest draft of the script to that Slack channel.
    • Use this channel to communicate with the crew with reminders about anything related to the production (meeting reminders, lunch orders, schedules, etc.)
  • Secure each filming location by completing a Location Agreement and Shooting Plan. Make sure the location owner is clear about the nature of the production.
  • Establish where the restrooms, parking, staging, greenroom, base camp and sets will be. Complete a Location Hazard Assessment Checklist. If any location hazards, then also complete a Hazard Notification Report.
  • Have each actor sign a Performance Agreement.
  • Arrange for volunteer(s) if required.
  • Create a Setup Schedule with the Director and DP (based on the shot list put together by the Director and DP).
  • Assist the Director with any and all logistical needs to prepare for production.
  • Prepare all the paperwork needed on set.
  • Check the weather periodically to monitor adverse conditions. Have a back-up plan.
  • Purchase Craft Services by the night before production.
  • Pre-order lunch and arrange for it to be picked up or delivered on the day of production.
  • Have a Greenlight Meeting with the Head of Production, during which you will:
    • Review and update the D1 Scope Breakdown
    • Bring an updated draft of the Call Sheet
    • Complete all Location Documents
    • Receive media cards
  • Create the Call Sheet, including a map and set diagram, and email it no later than 12 hours before call time.
  • Double check every logistical piece of information and make sure nothing has been forgotten.

On Set


  • The Pre-Pro crew (PR, DR, PD, DP, 1D, 2D, SS) will have 2 hours at the start of the morning to prepare for the day, including set decoration, shot designing, etc.
  • During this time, go over the script and the Setup Schedule with the 1st AD.
  • Deliver the craft services to the 2nd AD for them to set up the craft service table.
  • Give the 2nd AD all the paperwork you prepared ahead of time for them to have completed throughout the day.
  • When the rest of the crew arrives, the 1st AD will run the Tech Scout. Be ready to answer any questions the crew may have.
  • After this the 1st AD will run the Production Meeting. Answer crew members’ questions. Have each crew member sign a Crew Deal Memo.
  • Verify with volunteer or caterer that lunch will be brought to set in time to set it up prior to releasing for lunch.
  • Oversee the filming of second unit photography.


  • Make sure 2nd AD has lunch set up and ready by the time lunch is to be served.
  • Make sure lunch does not exceed one hour.


  • Oversee the filming of principal photography.
  • Make sure everything is going as planned. Help troubleshoot as needed.


  • At Camera Wrap, make sure crew wraps safely and efficiently. Make sure to have Company Wrap on time.
  • Collect all the Daily Production Paperwork and Camera Card from the 2nd AD.
  • With 2nd AD, clean and secure location. Be the LAST TO LEAVE (except perhaps Art Dept).
  • Leave the location better than when you arrived.
  • Approve the Daily Production Report and have 2nd AD distribute copies at the end of the day.


  • Turn in Camera Reports and Camera Card and Sound Card to the cubby in the ingest room in the Post Hall as soon as possible after wrap. Be sure to scan a copy of the Camera Report first for your delivery.
  • Send a Thank You Letter to the location owner/authorized agent.
  • Submit Reimbursement Voucher, along with original itemized receipts and Meal Sign-In sheet to the Film School Accountant by 5pm on the Thursday after production.
  • Turn in Production Delivery Paperwork via OneDrive to the Head of Production by the deadline provided.