Professional Code of Conduct

The faculty actively evaluates the professionalism of all students each semester. Unprofessional conduct may result in probation or dismissal from the program.

Professionalism is a code of ethical behavior which allows individuals to work together in diverse groups, to think critically about complex problems, and to take effective action to achieve a common goal. Below are key aspects of behavior required of a successful professional.


Behaving collaboratively is demonstrated by an individual’s ability to consistently and honestly balance proactive, courteous, reliable, punctual, and safe interactions with those of other individuals inside and outside of any team toward the completion of any project.


Behaving proactively requires that an individual listen attentively, anticipate challenges, and work positively at all times. All individuals are expected to give 100% of their effort in understanding, executing, and completing tasks necessary for the successful completion of a project.


Behaving with civility requires that each individual treat others with an attitude of respect, generosity, and openness, regardless of another’s abilities, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender, socio-economic status, age, ability, religious or political beliefs, or other differences. This includes but is not limited to, respecting others’ professional and physical boundaries, refraining from sexual advances or innuendos, use of offensive or derogatory language, and any inflammatory remarks unnecessary to accomplishing the work at hand.


Behaving reliably requires effective communication, organization, and delivery of information. Teams require consistent communication and expedient execution in order to perform their own roles effectively. The ability of team members to rely on each other to complete their tasks determines the outcome of the project.


Being punctual is an essential quality of all working professionals. The necessity of each individual to be present, punctual, and prepared directly affects the ability of others to do their jobs effectively.


Behaving safely when coordinating complex tasks, operating equipment, and working with trained and untrained individuals is critical to a positive working environment. Individuals are expected to perform their tasks with the utmost concern for the safety of themselves and others.