Safety Bulletin

The speed of the camera boom vehicle shall never exceed the safe operating speed set forth by the individual manufacturer or which may endanger the safe handling of the vehicle or safe operation of the boom arm as determined by the driver/operator.
Any person riding the boom arm shall wear an approved seat belt at all times.
Always rehearse shots under controlled conditions to ascertain safety in movement not only of the vehicle but the boom arm as well.
Camera personnel shall only mount and dismount when given permission by the operator in control of the camera arm. Arm balance must always be maintained.
Always use wheel chocks to prevent crane movement on a sloped surface. Ratchet lock brakes for added temporary security. Never trust hydraulic brakes for permanent hold.
Maximum payload on boom arm nose should never be more than can be balanced by the counter weight system supplied with the crane.
Payloads must be decreased in proportion to length of extensions.
On any extension configuration, check with the manufacturer or qualified operator for allowable load.
The camera boom vehicle and boom arm shall be checked before and after use by a qualified experienced driver/operator, and that operator must be present during any use of the vehicle or boom arm. The driver/operator shall have the authority to make any adjustments that may affect the safe operation of the vehicle and/or boom arm.