Slack Channels (D2)

The Producer creates a Slack channel for the show and invites the show’s creative leadership team and all the D2 faculty. The intent of this channel is to enhance the creative/logistical efficiency of all team members and to communicate progress with faculty. The channel is designed to get everyone ready for Director’s Prep, in particular. The Slack channel must be maintained throughout the production cycle, with the requirements for each crew member described below.


  • Prior to the first day of pre-production, create the channel. Invite the department heads and D2 faculty, and name the channel: Production#-year (e.g., 01d1-2023).
  • As the first post, list all crew members and their roles.
  • Post the latest version of script as it stands at the time of channel creation. This will be known as Version 1. Name the document: Production#-Title-Version# (e.g., 01D1-FlipTheScript-v1).


  • Post any updated versions of the script, promptly upon completion. This is to ensure everyone has access to the latest version. No new versions can post after Director’s Prep without faculty approval.
  • Post any reference materials that will help the crew and the faculty understand your vision for the film.
  • Post casting photos and/or audition clips for all the principal actors.

Production Designer

  • Post all major props that are needed for the show.
  • Post all major props that have been acquired for the show.
  • Post reference materials for all wardrobe/hair/make-up looks that are intended for the show.
  • Post any wardrobe/hair/make-up tests that have been prepared.
  • Post important set dressings, intended and/or found.


  • Post detailed location photos (interior and exterior)
  • No later than 24 hours before Director’s Prep, post the Look Book:
    • State the genre of the film you are shooting.
    • Using Shotdeck, create a series of stills that inspire your lighting choices for each slugline. They should include contrast context, window treatments, moonlight treatment, sun orientation, tonal range, etc.
    • Explain why each image was chosen (for lighting only).
  • No later than 12 hours before Director’s Prep, post the Luminance Plan, Color Plan, and Story Plan.

First Assistant Director

  • No later than 12 hours before the Director’s Prep, post:
    • Tech Scout Schedule, with directions to the location(s) and parking information;
    • One-Line Schedule (strip board);
    • Production Draft of the script (with locked scene numbers);
    • Preliminary shot list, developed in collaboration with the director, producer, and cinematographer.