Sound Stage Policies

Stages are for use by College faculty, staff, and students and are intended solely for College classes and projects. Any other use is prohibited unless approved by the Associate Dean.

All sound stage use begins with the Sound Stage Reservation Form. The completed and signed reservation form becomes the basis for an agreement between the student production designer and the College as to how the stage and its equipment will be used. The student brings the completed form and, depending on the needs of the production, supporting documentation to the Stage Supervisor for approval. The sound stage is not reserved until the Stage Supervisor has approved and signed off on the reservation form.

Upon approval, the production is assigned use of the sound stage for specific dates, which may not be altered or exceeded without written permission of the Stage Supervisor. On the equipment check-out date, immediately prior to the reserved dates, the student Production Designer and the Stage Supervisor will inspect and “check-out” the sound stage. If multiple productions will use the sound stage prior to the next equipment check-out date, all student Production Designers will attend the sound stage check-out, and all are equally responsible for adherence to the sound stage use policies.

In general:

  • No changes may be made to the physical stage except by addition of approved scenic elements and standard rigging of equipment. The wood floor may be painted with a non-textured flat latex paint but must be painted back to its original flat black immediately after wrap and strike.
  • Only approved equipment may be used on the stage (see policies for vehicles, fire, water, and effects).
  • Water or other liquid may not be placed on the floor, and any spilled liquid must be cleaned immediately.
  • Sets, equipment, or other obstacles may not block catwalks, grid ladders, and exits.
  • Only standard lights and grip equipment may be rigged to the pods or grid. Other items may be used upon approval from the stage supervisor.
  • The student Production Designer is responsible for ensuring that no paint is spilled or dripped onto any surface, including the loading dock. Drop cloths must be used, and any drips immediately cleaned.
  • The scenery and sets stored on the stages are for use only upon permission. Stored scenery may not be moved without approval from the Stage Supervisor.
  • Students assigned the use of a sound stage must clean up after themselves at the end of each day. Food and related garbage must be disposed of properly. College trash containers may not be overfilled.