Studio Zone

The College of Motion Picture Arts has an established “studio zone” for local productions. The zone is based on a set driving distance from University Center A. All shoots within the zone are considered “local” productions. All shoots outside the zone are considered “distant” productions.

Studio Zone Map

Inside the Zone

All F1, F2, F3, D1, and D2 productions must shoot within the studio zone. This restriction is in place for a number of reasons: to make it possible for faculty and staff to visit locations during preps and shoots; to reduce wear and tear on production vehicles; and, for safety reasons, to place a cap on driving times for cast and crew.

Outside the Zone

Under some circumstances, BFA and MFA Thesis productions are permitted to shoot outside of the studio zone. Shooting outside the studio zone causes additional stress on personnel and equipment, so approval is only granted when any and all concerns have been addressed satisfactorily. Permission must be attained in advance by submitting a Distant Location Request to the Head of Production, who has final say on whether a distant location shoot will be approved.

Documentary productions are also permitted to shoot outside of the zone. Permission must be attained in advance from the Documentary instructor.