Thumbnail Templates

Production Paperwork

Horizontal thumbnail template:

Vertical thumbnail template:


Thumbnail images will be used in displays online (Vimeo, YouTube, etc). Since some websites use horizontal thumbnails (1920×1080) and some use vertical thumbnails (1200×1600), you will deliver one of each.


  • Save a flattened JPG file (maximum file size 2MB) and a layered PSD file (also deliver any custom fonts used).
  • Keep all of your layers inside the appropriate folders, so that everything remains well-organized when you deliver the final Photoshop file. Make sure all of your layers have appropriate names, so that someone else could make sense of what each layer is.

Do Not:

  • Do not adjust the dimensions or resolution of the file. It’s set up to meet the specs needed for online viewing.
  • Note these online content restrictions for the thumbnails:
    • No nudity or sexually provocative content
    • No hate speech
    • No violence
    • No harmful or dangerous content