Upscaling Images for Posters

Posters are designed and printed at 8250 × 12150px, so it is often necessary to upscale film stills to a higher resolution than they were originally captured in. To do this you can use a software called Topaz Gigapixel AI.


Topaz Gigapixel AI is a standalone application that is installed on all three ingest machines on the post hall. Open the the application by selecting its icon from the dock:

When the application opens, drag a still into the drop zone:

On the right of the interface, you will find the settings options. Configure them as shown in the example below. If you do end up needing to make any tweaks to these settings, do not go over 10% on the Face Recovery Strength.

Save your new still as a PNG, as shown in the example below:

Congratulations, you are done!