Water & Messy Items

Water effects on the stages

Water must not be allowed to pool on the stage floor, or seep under set pieces or floor covers. If hoses or other connections for water lines are used on stage, lines and connections must be continually monitored for leaks, which must be repaired immediately.

There must always be an approved plan in place to immediately drain off water from a water effect. For rain effects, a gutter may be used to collect water in a small area, but for larger effects, a pool must be used or built from thick plastic and 2×4’s to form a raised edge to trap the water inside. A plan must be made and approved for removal of the water from these pools, and water that will inevitably be tracked around the stage by wet feet and equipment. A pool or other vessel of water may never be left overnight. The Stage Supervisor will monitor water effects. At any time the Stage Supervisor or Set Operations Manager may shut down the production to ensure the safety of crew, equipment and facilities.

Dirt, Sand, Paint, or other messy items

When a production intends to use loose material such as dirt, or wet material such as paint, the student production designer will be required to show preparation for protection of the area and removal of the materials before receiving approval. Dirt contains moisture, so a moisture barrier must be put on the floor, or the dirt must otherwise be kept from coming in contact with the stage floor. As dirt, peanut shells, paint, and other messy materials can be tracked into other areas of the building, plans must be made to clean feet and to prevent such tracking. Mats or drop cloths, and small brushes or brooms must be supplied so crew and cast can clean their feet before exiting the stage or work area.