2nd AD Responsibilities (BTH)


  • Help 1st AD coordinate the Tech Scout. Establish where the restrooms, parking, staging, base camp and set will be.
  • Prepare Crew Deal Memos for everyone at the production meeting.
  • Assist Producer in securing lunches, craft services, volunteers, and extras for all days of shooting.
  • Assist Producer in obtaining craft services the night before production.
  • Assist the Producer in casting by scheduling and participating in auditions if necessary.
  • Prepare and make copies of all the paperwork needed on set.
  • Create the Call Sheet, including maps. Have Producer approve it and email no later than 12 hours before the next day’s call time.
  • Communicate any changes to the schedule to the entire cast and crew.
  • Check the weather periodically to monitor adverse conditions. Have a back-up plan.
  • Double check every logistical piece of information and make sure nothing has been forgotten.

Production days

Start of day:

  • Arrive at set FIRST, at least 30 minutes before call time.
  • Open and establish contact with location. Record the state and location of things, ground rules.
  • Establish Base Camp.
    • Set up Base Camp with Walkies and Production iPad where crew will check in when they arrive.
    • Get the snacks and drinks from the Producer, and set up the craft service table.
  • When Grip Van arrives, verify they are parking in the correct place.
  • As crew members arrive, check them in using the Production iPad, and hand them a walkie.

Throughout the day:

  • Maintain the craft service table throughout the day to make sure it is stocked.
  • Stay at base camp and handle the phones, paperwork and actors. Know where everything and everyone is.
  • Remain in or near the Green Room with the Actors, except to escort them to/from set at 1st AD’s request.


  • At lunch make sure everyone signs the Meal Sign-In Sheet.
  • Make periodic announcements on time remaining on lunch.
  • Make sure lunch does not exceed one hour.

End of day:

  • Complete the Performers Time Report, and have the actors sign it before they are dismissed for the day.
  • Make sure 2nd AC, Script Supe, and Sound Mixer meet at end of day to verify their reports. Have them give you all reports.
  • Collect the camera card from the 2nd AC, and the sound card from the Sound Mixer, and deliver to Producer.
  • Have crew members sign out using the Production iPad and collect their walkie.
  • Organize any hard copies of Daily Production Paperwork, and scan them using the OneDrive app. Deliver the scanned files and the original hard copies to the Producer.
  • With Producer, clean and secure location. Be the LAST TO LEAVE (except perhaps Art Dept). Leave the location better than when you arrived.
  • Complete the DPR and have it approved by the Producer. Then distribute within 2 hours after wrap.


  • Assist in wrapping production paperwork if necessary.