Production Paperwork

The purpose of the call sheet is to provide all the pertinent information about the next day’s production. The Second Assistant Director is responsible for distributing a PDF of each day’s call sheet to the cast, crew, faculty, and FSU police. If the production does not have a dedicated Second Assistant Director, the First Assistant Director or Producer shall assume the responsibility.
Call sheets, along with any relevant additional information such as maps or safety bulletins, must be distributed no later than 12 hours before call time on the first day of production and no later than the previous day’s company wrap for all subsequent days. It is important to thoroughly check — and double-check — and triple-check — that all the information in the call sheet is correct before it is sent out, because the distribution of revisions can create confusion.
Call sheets should be distributed with a subject line that follows this naming convention: 01f3-Film Title - Call Sheet - Day 1
You may include a brief, executive summary of important information in the body of the message, but this should not be a substitute for providing all relevant information in the call sheet itself.
Call sheets must be distributed in two ways:
- Post call sheets (and any relevant maps and safety bulletins) to the “Call Sheets” channel in Teams. This is for your instructors and assigned crew.
- Email call sheets to your cast, (FSU Police), and any other relevant parties who need the call sheet.
Sample Call Sheet
Update accordingly for subsequent days. For instance, you no longer need to introduce yourself after day 1.
SUBJECT: 01f3-Film Title – Call Sheet – Day 1
Hello 01F3 Team!
We hope everyone is excited to get working on, (“Film Title”), directed by (First Last Name).
My name is (First Last) and I am the (Position) for this film. I will be sending out call sheets, location directions, and general information each day of the shoot. When you arrive on set you will sign in with me and you will check out with me at the end of your day.
Attached are the call sheet, location info and parking instructions for tomorrow. Note, the location is approximately ## minutes away from the film school. Depending on your departure location, please plan accordingly. If you are part of a carpool, please ensure you allow extra time for pick-ups and drop-offs.
*Please read the call sheet thoroughly for specific information.
*Please arrive at least 15 minutes prior to your call time to ensure you have time to park and check in with me on time.
CAST CALL: See Below
(First Last) your call time is 7:45 AM
(First Last) your call time is 8:15 AM
Address: #### Somewhere St, City, FL, Zip
*Insert Google Maps Link here.
Add VERY specific instructions for parking here.
Add VERY specific instructions for parking here.
(Sample) Please DO NOT WALK ON THE GRASS. This is a specific request from the location owner.
(Sample) Dogs on site (they will be contained)
(Sample) Please keep exterior noise to a minimum.
-Call Sheet
-Location Map
-Location Parking Diagram
-Safety Bulletins: #5, #10
If you have any issues getting to set, or any questions whatsoever, please do not hesitate to call my number below.
We look forward to working with you!
(First Last)
(Your Position)
Cell: (###) ###-####
@FSU Email
(First Last)
Cell: (###) ###-####
@FSU Email