Producer Responsibilities (F1)


  • Assist the Director in Location Scouting.
  • Secure each filming location by completing a Location Agreement and Shooting Plan. Make sure the location owner is clear about the nature of the production, and provide them with a Location Pamphlet.
  • Organize the Tech Scout for each location with at least the ATL. Establish where the restrooms, parking, staging, base camp and set will be. Complete a Location Hazard Assessment Checklist. If any location hazards, then also complete a Hazard Notification Report.
  • Have each actor sign a Performance Agreement.
  • Arrange for volunteers and/or extras if required.
  • Coordinate call times with other Producers in your cycle to ensure 10 hr turnaround.
  • Create a Setup Schedule with the Director and DP (based on the shot list put together by the Director and DP).
  • Prepare all scheduling information and other material required for ATL Prep.
  • Attend ATL prep and takes notes for the Director.
  • Assist the Director with any and all logistical needs to prepare for principal photography.
  • Run the Production Meeting by reading the action of the script. Answer crew members’ questions. Have each crew member sign a Crew Deal Memo.
  • Prepare and make copies of all the paperwork needed on set.
  • Create a Setup Schedule with the DP.
  • Check the weather periodically to monitor adverse conditions. Have a back-up plan.
  • Purchase craft services by the night before production.
  • Pre-order lunch and arrange for it to be picked up by a volunteer on the day of production.
  • Create the Call Sheet, including a map and set diagram, and email no later than 12 hours before call time.
  • Double check every logistical piece of information and make sure nothing has been forgotten.

On Set

Start of Day

  • Arrive at set 20-30 minutes before call time.
  • Immediately establish contact with the location owner to make sure everything is still going as planned. Thank them! Check back with them periodically throughout the day as needed.
  • Sign in all crew using the Crew Sign-in sheet.
  • When actors arrive, show them the set, green room, bathrooms, and craft service. Introduce them to crew; and location owner if possible.
  • At call time, have a Safety Meeting with the entire crew. Complete the Safety Meeting Report.
  • Make sure crew have a copy of the Setup Schedule.
  • Make sure actors have a copy of the script or their sides.
  • Make sure crew is staging equipment safely and preparing for the first shot.
  • Make sure the director is focused with the DP and crew on the first shot and figuring out logistical stuff.
    • Where is the camera going?
    • Where are the lights going?
    • Where is the boom operator?
    • General idea on actor blocking.
  • Make sure set dressing is happening (if necessary).
  • Give director time to focus on actors while the crew finishes set up and/or set dressing.
  • When the set is ready, give the director and actors a (5-Minute) call to blocking, rehearsal, and shooting.

Throughout shooting day

  • Run through the 1st AD Protocol for each setup.
  • Manage the time on the set by keeping up with the Setup Schedule. Adjust schedule as needed.
  • Look ahead to next setups and make sure departments are prepared and working ahead.
  • Verify with volunteer or caterer that lunch will be brought to set in time to set it up prior to releasing for lunch.
  • At 6 hours after call time, release the cast & crew for lunch. Make sure everyone who eats signs a Meal Sign-In Sheet.

End of shooting day

  • Complete the Performers Time Report, and have the actors sign it before they are dismissed for the day.
  • Efficiently and safely wrap out equipment, load vehicles, and clean the location. Leave the location better than when you arrived.
  • Whenever possible, do a walk-thru with the location owner to verify everything is in order.
  • Sign-out all crew using the Crew Sign-In Sheet.
  • Be the last to leave (except perhaps Art Dept).
  • Make sure the director backs up all their media.
  • Create the Daily Production Report and distribute within 2 hours after Company Wrap.


  • Send a Thank You Letter to the location owners.
  • Submit Reimbursement Voucher, along with original itemized receipts and Meal Sign-In sheet to the Head of Production by 5pm Thursday after production.
  • Turn in Production Delivery Paperwork via OneDrive to the Head of Production by the deadline provided.